Digital Marketing Agency for Moldova & Romania | Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing

Digital Marketing Agency for Moldova & Romania
Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing

Digital Marketing Agency for Moldova & Romania
Social Media, PR, PPC & Influencer Marketing

Integrated communication strategies, online and offline.

The over 10 years of experience in the field make us understand the digital context very well.

We write, draw and program for you.

Social media account management





Personal brand or business page? Starting from your objectives, we will create a social media strategy that will position you correctly among the types of target audience. We help you with account management, creative content creation and community management.
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Promotion through PPC ads

Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

LinkedIn Ads


Google Ads

YouTube Ads

Collaborate with our team of specialists and get an effective promotion strategy for your business and cost optimization on the most used Pay-Per-Click platforms, such as: Google Ads, Facebook Ads or LinkedIn Ads.
Image analysis and strategies, event organization and management, CSR and crisis communication campaigns, employer branding and internal communication, media relations and communication, media acquisitions (online, print, radio, TV, outdoor), endorsement with celebrities and opinion leaders, PR stunts.
Campaigns with bloggers, content creators and celebrities.
Contests hosted by Blogal Initiative.

We are skilled in communication but we also have a creative studio waiting for your brief

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Web Development

We develop personalized, fast and secure websites that turn visitors into loyal customers through cutting-edge technologies and an intuitive user experience.
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Video marketing

We create custom video marketing strategies and high-quality video production, optimizing content to attract attention, increase visibility and turn views into conversions.
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SEO Services

A complete SEO optimization is all you need to increase organic traffic.

Audio / Foto / Video

Photo shooting, virtual tours, graphic design (ATL/TTL/BTL), video spots.

Design / Branding

Graphic design, branding, rebranding, facelift and visual identity services.
Kooperativa 2.0 Chinezu

We share our knowledge and experience with you

How to build an effective social media strategy

Date: 21.03.2025

Kooperativa 2.0 Chinezu

Are you interested in a customized workshop for your company?

What do customers think about collaborating with us?


Kooperativa Moldova a jucat un rol esențial în succesul inițiativelor noastre majore, inclusiv promovarea Zilei Naționale a Vinului, contribuind semnificativ la creșterea vizibilității brandului 'Vinul Moldovei'.

Ștefan Iamandi

Director, Oficiul Național al Viei și Vinului

Kooperativa Moldova a implementat cu succes campania de marketing pe rețelele sociale pentru inițiativa Model Court (MCI), dezvoltând o strategie amplă și materiale de promovare care au sporit gradul de conștientizare publică cu privire la educația juridică.

Natalia Vîlcu

Model Court Project Chief of Party, USAID Moldova

Echipa Kooperativa Moldova a demonstrat un nivel înalt de profesionalism, flexibilitate și dedicare în furnizarea serviciilor de producție video și comunicare pentru promovarea proiectului RECP – UNIDO.

Ion Lică

Șef Unitate de Implementare Programelor, ODA

Datorită serviciilor Kooperativa Moldova, am beneficiat de un rebranding de succes, optimizarea site-ului web și gestionarea eficientă a rețelelor sociale, ceea ce a crescut vizibilitatea și implicarea audienței noastre.

Sergiu Tabacaru

Director, Noroc Media

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Brands we are proud of collaborating with

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Agency member of professional associations

We are members of the most important associations in the field of advertising and communication in Romania, which guarantees that we respect good practices in the field of advertising, PR & online marketing.

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Why is digital marketing important?

Your potential customers are divided into three categories. To make sure that the information about you reaches each category, you need to consider a few activities. In the rows below you will be able to see these categories of clients, but also the activities that you should carry out in order to be in their sights.


Those who are looking for your brand

They are those potential customers who know your brand name, know what services you offer and need you. Generally, they search for you on Google or the social networks in which they are active. It is important for them to find a well-made site, activity supported on the brand’s social accounts and articles from external sources that take the place of testimonials.

Those who seek the services you provide

There are those customers who want a certain service or a certain product, but do not know your brand and do not know that you could solve their problem. You attract them through Google Ads (AdWords) and through a very well done SEO optimization of the site.

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Those who learn about you from others

They are the ones who see your products or services in advertisements or advertorials and become interested in them. To reach this type of customers you need campaigns with influencers, sustained activity on social accounts but also Facebook Ads and Google Ads (AdWords), in the Display network.

We can help you reach all three categories of customers. Contact us to collaborate! Contact us to collaborate!

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As much as we are online, so are we offline!

Our team frequently participates and organizes events in the area of Digital Marketing and Social Media. This way we stay up to date with trends, we learn from each other but we also pass on! See below the last events we attended:

🗓 Date

💡 Event

👥 Who

🗓 Role

noiembrie 2024


Comma Communication Awards

Cristian China-Birta

Membru juriu

aprilie 2024



Cristian China-Birta


28 martie 2024


Conferinta Educationala GO-AHEAD WITH YOUR BEST DREAM

Kooperativa 2.0

Partener Media

28 martie 2024


Conferinta Educationala GO-AHEAD WITH YOUR BEST DREAM

Cristian China-Birta


7-10 februarie 2024


Școala de Iarnă de E-Commerce & Digital Marketing GPeC

Cristian China-Birta


decembrie 2023


Food Content Creators Conference

Cristian China-Birta


5 decembrie 2023



Cristian China-Birta


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You've come this far, but you still don't know where to go?

We have some suggestions for you!